Submission. Language of the journal is English. Authors are requested to submit the manuscripts to the editors using email woodresearch[@] Manuscripts will be reviewed by editorial office and minimally by one professional reviewer. Authors will be notified about the acceptance or rejection of the manuscripts within three months. Upon receipt of the article, the authors are required to send a signed Statement where they agree to the terms of the publication of their article.

Manuscripts. Three categories of scientific papers are distinguished: (1) Original papers up to 15 manuscript pages (Times New Roman 12, spacing 1.15), (2) Short notes up to 6 pages and (3) Review papers. Manuscripts must be sent in Microsoft Word and PDF. Manuscripts should be written in edited format (doc) in font Times New Roman 12.

All of the necessary format information including the examples of citation rules are involved in template. For easier preparation of your manuscript you should use this prepared template which is available in .doc format for dowloand here:

Wood Research charges 40 EUR excluding VAT per page. Papers written by the members of the non-profit organizations are accepted free of charge.