The influence of chosen factors of a circular saw blade on the noise level in the process of cross cutting wood

Research was focused on evaluation of a circular saw blade tooth spacing on maximum equivalent noise level LAeq in the process of cross cutting wood. There were used circular saw blades with uniform tooth spacing and a full body and non-uniform tooth spacing with dilatation gaps. The measurements were done on the measuring device which was designed at the Department of Environmental and Forest Technology where it has been modernised. For research, testing samples of three wood species i.e. spruce (Picea abies), pine (Pinus sylvestris) and beech (Fagus sylvatica) were used. In the cutting process, two feeding speeds were set up with the same revolutions of circular saw blades and for more precise statistical significance; every measurement was repeated several times. At the research, there was found out that the circular saw blade with uniform tooth spacing has lower equivalent noise level at smaller feeding speed and cutting soft wood species. The circular saw blade with non-uniform tooth spacing has lower equivalent noise level at higher feeding speed.

Impact of the selected factors on the cutting force when using a chainsaw

The paper deals with the calculation and analysis of cutting force and input power when crosscut sawing with a chainsaw. For obtaining and evaluating the results, we have used empirical relationships and the values of appropriate coefficients given by the literature. After the evaluation we have gained the theoretical knowledge of the impact of a tree species and its moisture on cutting force intensity and input power. Tree species have a strong influence on cutting force; the harder the tree species is, the greater cutting force is required. Input cutting power is calculated from the cutting force that is why the impact of a tree species on input power is as big as on cutting force. It has been confirmed that the cutting force and cutting input power are affected by wood moisture content, as well.

Analysis of cutting force in the process of chipless felling wood

This study compared the magnitude of the value of the cutting force using different tools with different thickness for different wood species with the same size. Measurements were made on wooden samples of spruce, aspen, and beech wood with dimensions 30 × 30 × 200 mm (w × d × h). The tearing machine pushed knives with dimension 150 × 100 mm and thicknesses of 4, 6, 8, and 10 mm with a 30° angle of cutting edge into the wood samples in a direction perpendicular to the fiber growth. Research shows that this angle of cutting edge is most effective for chipless cutting. The results were analysed by the Statistica 12 software. From the measurement results, for chipless wood felling is most preferred the 10 mm cutting knife thickness.