
Notes for Contributors

Submission. Language of the journal is English. Authors are requested to submit the manuscripts to the editors using email woodresearch[@] Manuscripts will be reviewed by editorial office and minimally by one professional reviewer. Authors will be notified about the acceptance or rejection of the manuscripts within three months. Upon receipt of the article, the authors are required to send a signed Statement where they agree to the terms of the publication of their article.

Manuscripts. Three categories of scientific papers are distinguished: (1) Original papers up to 15 manuscript pages (Times New Roman 12, spacing 1.15), (2) Short notes up to 6 pages and (3) Review papers. Manuscripts must be sent in Microsoft Word and PDF. Manuscripts should be written in edited format (doc) in font Times New Roman 12.

Title. The title should be brief, typed on top of the article along with the author(s) full name and address. In case of co-authors, the respective addresses should be given clearly. Correspondence and proofs will be sent to the first author unless otherwise requested on the end of the article. Telephone and e-mail connections should be given on letterhead or separate paper.

Standard papers. A maximum of six Key words should be given at the bottom of the Abstract. Latin names of the species covered by the paper are obligatory. Abstract must be included. It should not exceed 150 words. It should be informative (summarizing) and not indicative (not of the conclusions alone). The Introduction states the reasons for doing the work, the underlying hypotheses and essential background. Material and Methods outline enough detail to enable the work to be repeated by someone else. Results draw attention to important features of tables and figures. Discussion points out the significance of the results and places the results in the context of other works. The Conclusions briefly summarize the results. Acknowledgments should be simply phrased and should include only brief references to research project and funds. Special information, e.g. technical details, computing procedures may be presented in appendices, which should be numbered and placed after the references only in rare cases. References in the text must be cited using the following format: For two authors, both names should be given throughout, e.g. (Stringer and Olson 1987). Use the first author and et al. for three or more authors, e.g. (Mason et al. 2008). References in list of references must be in alphabetical order. Use the following formats:


Stringer, J.W., Olson, J.R., 1987: Radial and vertical variation in stem properties of juvenile Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia). Wood and Fibre Science 19(1): 59-67.

Chapters in a publication:

Le Van, S.L., 1984: Chemistry of fire retardancy. In : The chemistry of solid wood (ed. Rowell RM). Pp 531-574, American Chemical Society. Washington.


Stamm, A.J., 1964: Wood and cellulose science. Ronald Press. New York, 549 pp.


EN 15886, 2010: Conservation of cultural property. Test methods. Color measurement of surfaces.

If articles are printed in non-Latin letters use the translated title in rectangular brackets. A paper may be cited in press only if it has been accepted by a journal, and then the journal must be given in the references. Papers not yet accepted should be cited in the text as „unpublished“ and omitted from the references.

Nomenclature. Binomial Latin names should be used in accordance with International Rules of Nomenclature. The first time the binomen is used in the text the name of its author should be included. If species names are used repeatedly in the text, the genus name may be abbreviated. Latin names must be underlined in the manuscript or typed in italics.

Tables should be as comprehensive as possible without reference to the next. Plan your tables to the maximum of the page width, respectively. Titles of columns should be short or numbered and explained in the text to the table.

Figures must be high quality printed. Letters and numbers should be readable well.

Formulae should be presented in the text. Format of equations must be chosen to allow an additional correction. Make sure there is no confusion between similarly looking characters.

Units of measurements and abbreviations should follow the International System of Units (SI).

Proofs will be sent to the author together with the manuscript. Proofs should be returned together with manuscript to the Editor without delay.

Pages charges:
WOOD RESEARCH charges 40 € excluding VAT per printed page. Papers written by the members by the civic assotiation publishing the journal are accepted free of charge. In case of a common publication of a member and not member the latter pays per page 40 € (excluding VAT) divided by the number of all authors of the paper.

© ŠDVÚ 2009